T-bone Steak

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Serves 4 persons


1 T Bone min. 300 – 500 g per person

Coarse cooking salt and pepper

One tray of smoke dust No. 2 Lowland or No. 5 Meadow. 

How to do:

Salt the T bone steaks for a couple of hours on beforehand.

Light a 2/3 filled grill starter.

Place the coals in one side of the grill and place drip tray in the other side.

Remove the foil form the smoke dust tray and place it directly on the coals.

Place T bone on the grid over the drip tray.

Put the lid on the grill. When it starts smoking, close the damper by half.

When the meat has smoked for 10 minutes, remove the smoke dust tray.

Roast the T bone directly 1 – 2 minutes on each side.

The core temperature should be 55 degrees for red meat.

Cooking time 12 – 15 minutes.