
Print recipe

Serves 4 persons


smoke dust tray No. 3/Valley
1 red pepper.
1 yellow pepper.
1 squash.
1 aubergine.
Olive oil.

How to do:

Light a 2/3 filled grill starter.

In the meantime slice squash and aubergine lengthwise.

When the coals are ready, place them in one side of the grill.
Place a drip tray in the other side.

Grill the peppers over direct heat until they have turned black. Put them in the freezer bag and set aside to cool for 5 minutes, then remove skin. Part them and scrape out seeds.

Put them back on the grill over the drip tray.

Part them in 3 – 4 small diagonally sliced pieces.

Grill squash and aubergine slices over direct heat until they gain grill pattern, not longer than approx. ½ - 1 minute.


Remove the foil from the smoke dust tray and place it directly on top of the coals.

Place pepper, squash and aubergine slices over the drip tray.

Put the lid on the grill. When it starts smoking, close the damper by 2/3.

Smoke the vegetables for 10 minutes, then slice them diagonally in smaller pieces.

toss them in a drop of olive oil and lemon and sprinkle with freshly chopped oregano.


Serve as garniture or with Tidal Flats Tapas.